Attract professional engineers to your technical content.
PaperBoost drives engineering traffic to your content – whether white paper, application note, or e-brief.
Content promoted through PaperBoost typically gets between 1,000 and 4,000 clicks over the course of a 30-day promotion.*
*Clicks based on a global audience
How does it work?
We promote your technical content on the home and content pages, on our social media channels, and in our daily e-newsletter. All traffic is sent directly to where the content is hosted on your website.
Note: The ad will appear differently in different contexts (Facebook posts, Twitter, the EE Journal newsletter, etc.

Each Month, You’ll Receive a Report
We’ll send you the number of clicks-thru to your landing page as well as an estimate of the number of impressions the promotion received.
Ready to Get Started?
For each paper you want to boost, just send us:
• The paper title (90 characters or less)
• A brief description of the paper (500 characters or less)
• URL to the landing page where the paper is hosted
• Your company’s Twitter and Facebook @handle and any #hashtags you’d like included in your social promotions.
• A “cover” image that is 600 x 314 pixels or greater, with a ratio of 1.91:1
You may optionally ALSO submit a square image 300 x 300 pixels or greater (if you do not, your landscape image will be automatically cropped to square in some renderings)
That’s it! We’ll take care of the rest!
For best results…
Be choosy with your “cover” image
Make your “cover” image creative and engaging – something that conceptually evokes your topic rather than a literal picture (pictures of chips get pretty boring!).
Remember that your cover image will be small in some promotions. Choose something that looks good even at a small size.
Craft a compelling title and abstract
As you finalize your title and abstract, consider the “problem” your target reader is trying to solve. Choose language that is clear, concise, and makes the reader want to know more.
Allow open access to your promoted content
Our experience shows that you lose 90-99% of your readers by requiring registration before they read your paper. Instead, we recommend not gating your paper and including a compelling call-to-action as part of your content or host page. This gives you a chance to impress and inform your readers and capture data from truly interested, quality leads.
What It Costs
Contact your marketing representative for a quote specific to your campaign needs.
Click here for our Terms & Cancellation Policy.